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Friday, May 3, 2024

How to Integrate kake in Android Application?

Kake is one of the most popular dependency injection libraries for Android. It allows you to easily configure your application at runtime, which is especially useful when testing different configurations or running in different environments (such as a test environment). In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to integrate Kake into an Android application using Gradle.

Integrating a new library into your project using gradle

To integrate a new library into your project using gradle, follow these steps:

  • Import the kake dependency into your project.
  • Add the kake-android artifact to the build.gradle file in “app” folder. * Add a dependency in the build.gradle file of application module (app).

Now we have all required dependencies set up and ready for use! The next step is importing Kake into our Android application, so let’s move on!

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Import and initialize Kake in the Android application.

To begin, you’ll need to import Kake and initialize it in your Android application.

  • Import Kake into the project by adding it to the build.gradle file:

`android {

compileOptions {

sourceCompatibility 1.8 // required for Kotlin compatibility; use <1.8 if not using Kotlin

targetCompatibility 1.8 // required for Kotlin compatibility; use >=2.* if using `kotlin-android-extensions` instead of `kotlinx-coroutines` (see below) … } dependencies{ // all dependencies here } … }`

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You can integrate kake into android applications easily.

  • Kake is a dependency injection library for Android that makes it easy to inject dependencies into your code.
  • You can use it in your own Android apps, or you can build your own with the help of the open source project on GitHub here: https://github.com/kake-android-dependencyinjection

kake is a dependency injection library for Android.

Kake is a dependency injection library for Android. It can be used to inject dependencies into your application’s components, reducing the amount of code you need to write and making it easier to test your code.

Kake uses annotations to inject dependencies, which allows you to keep your code clean and simple. You don’t have to worry about creating custom objects that hold onto references when using kake; instead, the library does this automatically for you through its binding system.

Kake is based on the dagger2 library but has been simplified for use with Android applications with fewer dependencies than those found in other similar libraries like Guice or Spring Boot

Create a project in Android Studio.

  • Create a new project in Android Studio.
  • Name the project ‘kake_example’.
  • Choose an activity type as Blank Activity or Empty Activity.
  • Select Minimum SDK version as API 21: Android 5.0 Lollipop (API level 22).
  • Choose Theme name as Theme 1 or any other theme that you like from Theme 2, 3 and 4 provided by default in this option box.. * Provide Activity name as MainActivity for which layout file will be used later on when creating views for kake integration process(you can also use your own custom theme if you want). * Click on next button to proceed further with selecting location where we want our files stored after creating them successfully at last step of above process mentioned above(in my case I chose Internal Storage because it has more free space than External Storage option available here). Now after doing so click Finish button which will create all necessary files inside specified folder named “app/src/” inside Project explorer window opened earlier while creating new project through File menu option present within left sidebar menu section along side with Properties tabbed pane containing all properties related …..

Import the Kake library into your project.

To import the Kake library and add it to your project, follow these steps:

  • Create a new project in Android Studio.
  • Import the Kake library into your project by adding it to the dependencies section of your build.gradle file:


dependencies { // … other dependencies…

compile ‘com.github.kakestudio:kake:0.10’“`

Add your Kake-based app to the project.

Once you have created and tested your Kake-based app, it’s time to add it to the project. To do so:

  • Add the Kake library to your Android Studio project by following the steps described in “Adding a Library” above.
  • Open your Android Studio wizard by selecting File > New > New Module from the main menu bar (or pressing Alt+Insert).
  • Select Google Services Template as your module type and click Next. This will open up another wizard which allows us to configure our new package name and namespace details for accessing Google services such as Maps or Firebase Analytics through Java code instead of JSON files like we did previously with kake-configuration-template-library/app/src/main/res/values/google_services_defaults_values_configuration.json . For now though just leave all fields blank except for Activity Name which should be set equal (=) “KakeActivity”. Then press Finish!

Set up default values for the AndroidManifest.xml file.

To set default values for the AndroidManifest.xml file, add a meta-data tag with your app’s name and version number. You can also specify the minimum Android version that your app requires by adding an element with a minSdkVersion attribute to the manifest file:

In this tutorial, you learned how to integrate kake into an Android application.

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